Full Arch Dental Implants - Haworth, NJ

Rebuild Your Life with Gentle Dentistry

Over 29 years Dental Implant Experience!

Dr. Spector Talks About How a full arch of teeth can create a beautiful stable smile

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Gentle Dentistry Full Mouth Dental Implant Restoration

The Gentle Dentistry Full Arch Dental Implant Solution

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, then you are likely a good candidate for our revolutionary Gentle Dentistry full arch dental implant solution in Haworth, NJ. Gentle Dentistry is a full mouth reconstruction protocol that is proven to provide predictable results in less time than other full mouth solutions. The process utilizes the highest quality of dental implant components, artisan technicians and Dr. Andrew Spector’s years of training to give you unparalleled results and a smile you can feel proud to show off for a lifetime.

What Makes Gentle Dentistry Different

Our full arch dental implants are different from other full mouth solutions thanks to the materials used and the Gentle Dentistry team that supports Dr. Spector. While other implant centers place just four dental implants per arch, we’re found that using five to six dental implants as a minimum ensures the longevity of your smile. These extra implants have proven to offer more stability and restored function compared to using just four. Another unique factor is the team of Gentle Dentistry artisan technicians that hand-create your final bridge. With years of experience and unwavering commitment to quality results, your Gentle Dentistry teeth will be natural and beautiful, lasting you for years to come.

When performing the Gentle Dentistry full arch dental implant process, we always begin with detailed x-rays of your mouth and jaw captured from a cone beam CT scanner. We use these images to create a dental implant guide that allows Dr. Spector to accurately place your implants at the proper angle, depth and position without any guesswork. Implants are then placed into strategic areas of your jaw and used to support a temporary prosthesis of teeth. You will wear this prosthesis for 10 to 12 weeks until your permanent Gentle Dentistry teeth are completed from the artisan technicians. Once you are fit with your new teeth, you can treat them like natural teeth and expect them to last you a lifetime.

Experience Matters

Choosing to restore your entire mouth of failing or missing teeth with dental implants is a big decision that you shouldn’t trust to just any dental team. With careful planning, the highest quality materials and the expertise of Dr. Spector and our team, you will get incomparable results. Dr. Spector has been placing implants for almost three decades, including completing a 2-year residency on full mouth rehabilitation and dental implants and advanced training as a certified Hybridge® full arch dental implant provider for Haworth, NJ patients. While many other doctors require patients to wear their temporary teeth for up to six or more months, Dr. Spector is often able to get finalized teeth in less than three months! This means your treatment is finalized sooner and you’re back to your normal lifestyle. Our goal is always to make you feel and look your best with a smile that works properly and lasts you a lifetime.

The Proof Is In Our Patients

Restore your smile and your life.