Living with missing teeth can be difficult, but it can be downright frustrating when you are unhappy with how your dentures fit or function. Loose or ill-fitting dentures can make it difficult to bite and chew properly, require gag-inducing adhesives to stay in place, and often require repetitive and costly adjustments to fit a deteriorating jaw.
At Gentle Dentistry, we offer a solution to your denture woes with dental implant-supported dentures in Haworth, NJ. Implant-supported dentures utilize 2-4 dental implants to securely hold a denture prosthesis in place and alleviate most, if not all, of your denture concerns. Implant-supported dentures can also be a good choice for those looking to eventually transition to our Hybridge® full arch dental implant option.
When placing dental implants, Dr. Andrew Spector and our team utilize some of the latest dental technology to ensure you see successful and lasting results. One of our most significant advantages is guided implant surgery. This combines the exact digital images we capture from a cone beam CT scanner with 3D imaging software to create a guide that directs Dr. Spector to the precise angle, depth, and position for each dental implant.
Pre-planning your surgical appointment with guided implant surgery technology means less time in the dental chair, faster results, and the precise placement of each implant for lasting stability. For those with any level of dental anxiety, we offer IV sedation during your surgery to put any fears to rest and ensure a comfortable, safe experience!
We can create a new prosthesis supporting the implants or retrofit your existing denture. The denture itself will connect to the implants securely. You can often still remove your implant-supported denture for adequate cleaning and sleep. But thanks to your new dental implants, your smile will not fall out or shift out of place.
In addition to firmly holding the denture in place, your new implants will stimulate your jawbone to promote healthy new growth and prevent deterioration. This means your jaw will maintain its appearance, and you will no longer need to receive denture relines. Stop letting dentures hold you back from a life you love. Contact us for a consultation today!