Philosopher Will Durant wrote, “…We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” While that observation could aptly apply to a great deal of life, it’s certainly true of dental health. Strong, healthy teeth and gums are largely the result of good oral habits started in early childhood.
Here are some important dental care habits you’ll want to instill in your child, as well as yourself:
Practice and teach daily oral hygiene. Keeping your child’s mouth clean helps prevent future dental disease. It should begin before teeth appear by wiping your baby’s gums with a clean, wet cloth after every feeding to keep decay-causing bacteria from growing.
Once teeth appear, switch to brushing with just a smear of toothpaste until age 2, when you can increase to a pea-sized amount. As your child matures, be sure to teach them to brush and floss for themselves, especially by modeling the behavior for them.
Begin dental visits early. Besides daily hygiene, regular professional dental care is one of the best habits for keeping healthy teeth and gums. Plan to begin your child’s dental visits by age 1 when some of their teeth may have already come in. And by beginning early, it’s more likely your child will view dental visits as a routine part of life, a habit they’ll more likely continue into adulthood.
Keep your oral bacteria to yourself. Many strains of bacteria, especially harmful ones, don’t occur spontaneously in a child’s mouth. They come from the outside environment, most often from their parents or caregivers. To avoid transmitting disease-causing bacteria from you to your baby don’t share eating utensils, don’t lick a pacifier to clean it, and avoid kissing infants (whose immune systems are immature) on the mouth.
Encourage your teenager to avoid bad habits. Hopefully when your children reach adolescence, they’ve already developed good oral habits. But there are some bad habits you should also help your teen avoid. While piercings are a popular expression among this age group, teens should avoid tongue and lip bolts and other piercings that could damage teeth. A tobacco habit can also have negative consequences for dental health including increased decay or gum disease risk and cancer.
If you would like more information on dental care for children, please contact us or schedule an appointment for a consultation. You can also learn more about this topic by reading the Dear Doctor magazine article “Dentistry & Oral Health for Children.”